Thursday, July 8, 2010

Curb Appeal

I worked in the yard for three more hours this morning and I think I can declare my front yard done for the time being. Mom and I ran out of steam yesterday after planting about 20 perennials in the two front beds, so I finished them up with some annuals and a couple of herbs this morning. I'm really happy with how they came out. It's nice not to have the homeliest house on the block anymore.

From left to right: foxglove (in the pot), sage, lenten rose, dream queen hosta, green mountain boxwood, another sage, holly, plantain lily "halcyon" hosta, caladium, another hosta whose name I didn't write down, Japanese painted fern in the corner, a barberry bush that was already established, and a winter green boxwood. The other side is basically a mirror image of this layout, but with a Japanese beech fern instead of caladium and a "forever and ever hydrangea" instead of the foxglove. The annuals are begonias, impatiens, and dianthus.

Slowly but surely, it's looking like a real house!

1 comment:

Amy said...

It looks great!! Can't wait to see it in person!