So here's what my March has looked like so far:
Thursday, March 3: my students' book reports due (45 of them. ugh.)
Friday, March 4 - Tuesday, March 9: grade, grade, grade, grade, grade
Friday, March 11: last day of winter quarter, lunch with Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies visiting speaker, speaker's lecture, straight to work
Saturday, March 12: wake up at 5:30am and drive to Marion, OH to adjudicate the DI tournament
Monday, March 14: my student's final exam (3 in-class essays)
Tuesday, March 15 - Thursday, March 17: grade, grade, grade, grade, grade
Thursday, March 17: heart attack because my computer won't connect to the internet and I can't submit grades. Go to work early to use chef's computer to submit them. Sigh of relief until I realize I still have 7 pages of my 15 page paper to write before the next day.
Thursday, March 17, 10pm - Friday, March 18, noon: write, write, write, write, write, submit
Friday, March 18, noon-4pm: put together application to be a facilitator at the University Center for the Advancement of Teaching's fall teaching orientation. Submit.
Friday, March 18, 4pm-5pm: practice the piece I'm supposed to play in Eric and Bethany's wedding. Curse my rusty piano skills.
Friday, March 18, 6:30pm: Eric and Bethany's wedding rehearsal. Have a heart attack because I can't remember how to play the piano.
Saturday, March 19, noon: get ready for the wedding. Still panicking about the piano thing.
Saturday, March 19, 2:30pm: wedding starts. Still panicking.
Saturday, March 19, 2:38pm: play the piano well enough that I didn't embarrass anyone. Feel like I could use a stiff drink.
Saturday, March 19, 2:44pm: Eric and Bethany married. Cue the party music.
Saturday, March 19, 3:45pm: receiving line finally done. Happy I'm not in the wedding party because I don't have to stand for a million pictures. Three family pictures and then I'm done. Find some punch, then go home and let the dog out before the reception.
Saturday, March 19, 6:46pm: Eric presented with a magnificent ball and chain by his friends at the reception. He tells them to have fun in Ohio, he's taking his ball and chain to the Caribbean.
Saturday, March 19, 7:30pm: Paul, Amy, Kyle and I plan our escape. Go home and put on comfy clothes, then go to the movies. Rango wasn't as funny as I expected, but it was fun.
Sunday, March 20: Sleep in
Monday, March 21: Spring break starts. Resolve to do absolutely nothing except read books on my Kindle all week. Get through a good chunk of A Game of Thrones.
Wednesday, March 23: Ikea and the Jeffersonville outlets with Amy
Thursday, March 24 - Sunday, March 27: still doing nothing. Finish A Game of Thrones.
Monday, March 28: School starts again. No more laughing, no more fun.
I am so exhausted from reading the post, what's to comment?'s Elise from Sisters in Spirit so long ago. I didn't know you were involved in DI! Such a brilliant program. Also enjoyed looking at your "practical wedding." And who doesn't love a bit of AGoT?
No more laughing, no more fun?!! That's so sad. To help brighten your day, I recommend the book "The Well-Dressed Ape," which I am currently reading. I have also recently devoured "The Never-Ending Story" and "Little Bee," both of which were excellent. Oh, and I went to an Irish wake tonight (no, not a real one) called "Flannigan's Wake: Putting the fun in funeral!" Come see me and we can go see it together (it's improv-based, so it's different every time.)
Hi, Elise! I'm glad you found me! Kate - thanks for the recommendations. I've just finished Cormac McCarthy's *The Road*, which was totally depressing but extremely well-written (and I'm on a dystopian novel kick, so it satisfied that itch for the moment). I would love to visit you for Flannigan's Wake - the name alone will probably keep me amused for the rest of the day. Just tell me when!
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