Monday, March 22, 2010

On the subject of kitchens...

So today was supposed to be front-room-and-bedroom-floor-staining-day, but we changed course after a slight mishap this morning and focused on cleaning up the janky old kitchen floor and making it someplace that could be clean enough to eat off of. As a reminder, this is what the kitchen floor looked like when I bought the CB:

And the floor after having been scraped a bit, but on an even worse kitchen-as-storage-for-everything-in-the-house day:

So today, instead of staining the floors as planned, Mom and I went down to the local floor coverings shop and picked up a remnant of linoleum and proceeded to attack the nasty orange foamy goo that remained. Some scraping (and about a million four inch long nails to be removed) later, here's the big reveal:

Much, much better than orange goo.

Thanks for your help, Mom!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Evidently I'm cool and I didn't even know it....

So, I was browsing Apartment Therapy a few minutes ago (while I was supposed to be working on my final paper) and came across this feature from The Kitchn on green kitchens. Apparently I was on-trend and didn't even know it. Brilliant.

Back to paper-writing-jail. Looking forward to turning this sucker in tomorrow and being able to come up for air.

*first picture from Apartment Therapy; second by me of the CB's kitchen.

Sunday, March 7, 2010



I got my first batch of seeds yesterday in the mail and it has me pretty fired up about getting the gardens going and finally (finally) being done with winter.

In this envelope of goodies:
*Sweet Million tomato hybrid (Because cherry tomatoes are like candy in the summertime)
*Brandywine tomato
*Golden Rave tomato
*Rainbow blend baby greens
*Rainbow blend carrots
*Swiss bright lights chard (x2) (Are we seeing a color pattern here?)
*Spaghetti squash (x2)
*Perfected Detroit dark beets (x2)

I still have an offering of Mary Washington improved asparagus starts and three flowering quince bushes coming from this seed and nursery company, but they'll be shipped after the ground thaws. I'm also waiting on another batch of seeds from another company and some berry bushes and flowers/bulbs from a third company. It's like Christmas in March, only better!

I'm so excited for spring!

chard picture from Henry Field's. Isn't it pretty?