I'm super ready to be done with the cold and the snow. I put in my first seed and plant order on Friday, and I have more to make in the next couple of weeks. We've now reached the part of winter when I don't have my birthday to look forward to anymore (it was last Thursday - more on that soon) and I just want it to be warm so I can play in the garden and coax little, tiny seeds into being something I can make dinner from someday. This growing season will be even more exciting, because in addition to my regular garden (at the house I live in now), I have big plans for the CB which will include both pretty, floral plantings and lots and lots of edibles. It's going to be farmer's market central around here come August and September.

Last year's veggie garden around August. From left to right: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and tabasco peppers (the tall ones in the back), jalapeno peppers, green and wax beans, carrots, and some onions and garlic around the whole thing to keep the rabbits out. I also had a container garden last year with herbs and some stray jalapenos.

My hand looks so tan compared to my winter-white skin!

Ok, spring, I'm ready whenever you are.
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